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Sc#o=l c¬mput@rs

The school computers always freeze or don’t respond; the WiFi doesn’t work and the top floor is just horrible for lag!

The computers freeze because of server overloads.  Easily fixable. But only having one server, when so many people go on it at a time - SERIOUSLY? Most of the time the thing overloads. And, if you want to, you can break the whole server just by opening Word.

The sixth form area in the Harrison building has lots of computers. Guess what? THEY DON’T WORK PROPERLY. They pretty much never respond, the mice don’t work properly and you can forget about surfing the net.  The definition of school computers and WiFi equals FAIL. Of course it doesn’t say that in google definitions; of course you can’t get onto it to check.

Ten minutes to turn it on. Ten more to log on. Two more to open what you need to. Ten more spent trying to get it to work. Five more being confused, just clicking random things. Three spent trying to save work. Five trying to get to the right folder.  Five actually doing work and five turning it off. Boom. There goes the lesson. Pro tip: DON’T BOTHER.

The effects can be annoying, lessons can be interrupted, or revision time can be lost. Doing work takes much longer than it should. Topics can take too much time, you may fall behind in lessons, and all because you can’t do what needs to be done because of the computers freezing all the time!

If you haven’t saved work and the computer messes up, your work can end up being done for nothing.


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